President Notes:

September 2021 - Macro patience

Hi @everyone -

It is the end of September, marking our first 6 months of operation. This is quite a milestone and it is such a great feeling to see all of you become a part of our team. Now is a good time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished. I want to first personally thank Ashley Ekmay and Crystal Yang who have been with us since we launched in April and have continued to dedicate their time and effort to our mission. They have been instrumental in creating the organization we have now, with over 15 active members.

As climate change is not a popular topic, the challenges we face to grow our organization is an uphill battle - but that is exactly why we need to exist. We want climate change to be on everyone’s top of mind in order for us to make a difference. “This is our most important decade regarding climate change” was said by many prominent leaders and experts during Climate Week NYC. What we accomplish this decade in terms of climate change will determine the future of our planet. Fortunately, our leaders are still tentatively optimistic that we can still make enough change this decade to prevent irreversible damage to our planet, but the landscape is grim, and it will take everyone’s effort to organize and execute.

I continue to believe our organization has a very unique offering for climate change awareness. Our team of data scientists and designers have been working hard to create terrific data visualization content for us. I’m delighted to see what they are creating, and I think our audiences will appreciate their work as well. We tested the waters last month with our Olympic campaign, and we are continuing to build on this effort with a few more fresh and current campaigns already planned for the next few months. We will also be testing a collaboration campaign with a few social influencers next month, which we hope can propel us forward in gaining audience. All our team members, including social media managers, translators, and web designers are important pieces to helping us execute these campaigns on our website, our platforms, and in other languages to reach the audiences we are intending to reach. Thank you to our team for all their hard work and precious time.

In summary, our organization is only 6 months old and we have accomplished a lot. Our mission is aligned with the urgent needs of attention and awareness on climate change and climate action. And I invite all my team members to keep doing what they do best so we can make a difference. Our core team continues to grow, but I aspire to grow even faster, so we can cover COP26, The Road to Net Zero, Climate alliances, and more.

Have a great day.

With optimism,

Johnny Chung
President and Founder
Belikewatr Inc.

July 2021 - Quarter in Review

We are starting a new phase in our development and wanted to quickly review our past accomplishments.

Prior to last quarter, we created the foundation of our organization including all the administrative paperwork with accountants, legal, branding, and website.

A quick recap of our accomplishments over the last 3 months:

  • Hired our Social media team

  • Hired our grant specialist and began submitting grants

  • Hired our Korean and Chinese translators

  • Hired our web designer and cleaned up our website.

  • Soft launch of our website and social media platforms including fb, tw, li, ig, as well as 4 international social media apps, kakao, wechat, weibo, and zhihu

  • Created and streamlined our content delivery process across all our platforms

  • Created our media performance reporting process

  • Began testing ad services across platforms

  • Launched a few campaigns in line with Climate-related holidays.

  • Applied for multiple grants and began to reach out for partnerships.

We now have a team of over 10 headcount. Now that we’ve generally established our content distribution services, we are moving on to our content development, which is curating our own data science themed content. To do so, we’ve begun hiring our team of data scientists, data visualizers, and data journalists to work on our 3 initiatives in content creation and 1 initiative to optimize our media performance.

In our last meeting, we welcomed our 4 new data science team memberto help lead these 4 initiatives. This is just the beginning. We will continue to bring on new team members to continue creating data science themed content.

Our focus for the next 3 months are the following:

  1. Hard launch of our platforms with verified accounts and paid advertising.

  2. Adding our own data science themed content.

As climate change was and still is a very difficult concept to comprehend and to understand how to tackle from an individual and corporate perspective in the English-speaking countries. There is still a gap of knowledge in terms of the importance and impact of climate change in the non-English speaking countries. Our purpose is to continue to chip away at that gap and educate the current and next generations, 1 person at a time, so that we can prepare for what is coming. What better way to do that than with good clear data visualizations and advanced data science solutions?

We can do this together.

Johnny Chung

President, Belikewatr Inc

Find us at

April 2021 - Team building

Hello all -

It has been a while since my last update. We’ve been very busy and made some great progress. Our infrastructure is now in place. We now have a presence on all the major US platforms for distributing content,, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and our main Chinese apps WeChat. We are also preparing launches for Weibo and Zhihu in China, and also our presence in South Korea.

We’re building a talented team and I’m proud to have 3 incredible new team members (and growing) who have a strong conviction for our mission and talented in their respective skillsets. Our last milestone was April 1st, where we held a ‘soft’ launched on our major platforms. We are now preparing for our official launch this quarter.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Looking forward to what’s coming ahead.

Johnny Chung

President, Belikewatr Inc

November 2020 - Official WeChat page

Hello all -

I’m very excited about our progress on getting some basic infrastructure completed to help us launch in 2021. This year, we’ve been able to accomplish a few fundamental milestones. Establishing us as a 501c3, incorporation in New York as belikewatr, Inc., and we have begun development on our news channel, This month, we also established ourselves as an official, verified WeChat account, 新风水, which is a key milestone in line with our core objectives in our ability to create and reach our Chinese-speaking communities about climate change. I’m very pleased with our progress, and am looking forward to a soft launch in Q1 of 2021, where we will begin building our community. We will continue development and we are very excited for what’s to come.

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

Johnny Chung

President, Belikewatr Inc

September 2020 - Development begins

New digital assets created including: and Facebook pages

March 2020 - Launch

Belikewatr Inc is officially incorporated as 501c3 nonprofit.